We had our first doctors appointment today with baby number 2. Holy cow, I am having another baby! I think it officially set in today when I got to see the ultrasound and hear the heartbeat. It was a big relief to finally have it confirmed that everything is ok. I figured it was with how sick I have been but it's always nice to hear it.
We are going to the same clinic with the same doc we had for Eddie. As I finished registering the nurse who we had all through the last pregnancy came running out yelling "It is really you! Long time no see!" Which is true. Its been almost exactly 8 months to the day that I had Eddie. What can I say, we don't mess around. Even Doctor Davis was surprised but excited to see us so soon. Part of me can't believe I am doing this again at all, much less so soon. Especially since it seems to have been confirmed that my body just does not like to be pregnant.
It was a fun appointment that Dan and Eddie got to be apart of. So crazy to think that Eddie will be a big brother at 15 months. If it is any indication, by how sick I am, I would say I am having a boy again. But if I go by a dream that I have had several times, I would say its a girl. I guess time will tell.
Now for the specifics...The doc figures I am due September 20, 2012, which would put me at 8 weeks as of tomorrow.