Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

So this is the second tree we have ever had since getting married. And yes it is real. I love nothing more than the smell of a real Christmas tree in the house. As soon as I saw them up for sale I drug Dan to go get one. I'm so excited to be having Christmas with the boys in our own home. It makes all the work of decorating totally worth it! Even Eddie can now say Christmas Tree...it makes it so fun!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Bink Broke

I took Eddie to the dentist last week and learned that his binky habit was messing with his teeth. We have him down to only having it at night time and nap time, but we decided it was time to end the dependency. So Thursday night, I cut all the tips off of Eddie's binkys. When he went to bed, picked up his bink, and couldn't suck on it, he looked at us with the saddest face and asked "Bink broke?" I felt so bad. I mean sooooo bad.

We explained that the binkys were broken so we would have to throw them away. We had Eddie carry them downstairs and put them in the garbage. He laid down alright, but for about 5 minutes I could hear him saying "Eddie bink. Bink broke." Then he went to sleep and slept all night. It was a miracle!

He has not had a binky since. Every nap and every night he asks for it and we remind him that they were broken and had to be thrown away. Sometimes he protests a little, but nothing too bad. We remind him that he still has his frog woobie and that binkies are for babies.

So overall, I would say it has been a success. We only have 4 nights down, but maybe in a few more he will quit asking about it. Thank goodness Tommy never wanted a binky. I figure this gives us enough time so that if the new baby wants one we won't have a fight on our hands.

Bye, bye binky!!!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

27 Weeks Pregnant

I feel really bad that I have not been good about keeping up on this pregnancy. But the truth is that it has been such an easy pregnancy, sometimes I forget I'm pregnant! In the beginning I had some slight nausea in the mornings and occasionally at night. But I have thrown up maybe 6 times this entire pregnancy as opposed to the last 2 where 6 times a day was more normal. I had a rough 4-6 weeks with really bad indigestion but I just made TUMS my best friend and we were good.

At my 20 week appointment I was concerned because the baby doesn't seem to be moving near as much as Eddie and Tommy did. But the docs assured me that everything looked great and it was probably just that I don't notice it since I'm constantly chasing the other two around. But over the last 3 weeks he has started to move a lot. Sometimes I can't believe that he's only 2 pounds in there with how he pushes on me.

And this baby is just as camera shy as Tommy was. Every time we try to get an ultrasound picture of his face he either looks away or puts his hands up.But that will just make him more of a surprise when he decides to grace us with his presence.

I officially am feeling large. I have a hard time getting comfortable at night and switch from side to side. And about every time I do that, I have to pee as well. And just over the last week I noticed it is harder to bend over, and stairs kick my butt. It's crazy to think that between the baby weight and those times when Eddie and Tommy want to be carried, I am lugging around an extra 75 pounds! No wonder my lower back hurts. I finally had to go into a chiropractor last week to have him work on me because I was in so much pain. It took 2 visits for me to loosen up enough that he could adjust me but I have felt great since.

It seems like time is flying by. The holidays are here, and I know it will feel like a blink until February. Part of me is scared knowing that I will have 3 babies under 3, but another part of me is excited to meet this little guy. Eddie is already such a great big brother and helper, and I know Tommy will be too. I know it won't be easy. There will be good days and bad days. But I know me and my boys can do it!!!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The First Snow of the Year

We had the first snow of the year and just had to go out and play.We bundled the boys up and they rode their bikes around while Dan shoveled off the driveway. Too much fun!

Friday, November 1, 2013


Eddie actually fit in his halloween costume from last year so we decided to make it easy and do super heroes again. Say hello to Batman and Superman!

We started out by handing out candy to those that came to our door while Dan was still at work. This is when Eddie learned to say "trick tree!" Once Dan was home we took the kids around our neighborhood trick or treating. By about the second house, Eddie figured out what was going on. He would run up to the door, knock, say "trick tree!", grab a handful of candy for his bucket, then one for Tommy's bucket. Then he would walk back to us saying "door, door, door", until the next door was in sight.

Last year he didn't want anything to do with it so it was really fun to have him so excited about it this year. Tommy, however, preferred to be carried the whole time, but didn't make a fuss at all. When we made it back to our house, I had to catch Eddie from running to the neighbors house and brought him inside kicking and screaming. I think he had fun.

We had picked up one of the pumpkin face pizzas from Papa Murpheys so we had that for dinner. The kids love their pizza. All in all I would say it was a pretty fun Halloween!!!