Friday, July 15, 2011

5 Weeks Old

Eddie was 5 weeks old yesterday and we had quite the eventful day. On our way to the pediatrician I needed to stop by the bookstore. When we went to leave, my wonderful plum car would not start. Nothing like a hot day, an unhappy baby and a broken car. Luckily Dan was able to come to the rescue and got the car started again. Only catch was that I couldn't shut it off until I knew I wouldn't need to drive anywhere:)
So we made it to the pediatrician an hour late, and left the car out front running the whole time! Eddie now weighs 11 1/2 lbs and is in the 95th percentile. We said goodbye to Eddie's newborn clothes a few weeks ago and over the past week I have found that most of his 0-3 months don't fit as well, or they look like what I would call muscle onsies on him:)
But the highlight of the day was going to the zoo! So it may have been for my benefit and pleasure more than Eddie's but I think he thoroughly enjoyed riding in his stroller. He was awake for most of the trip, so he slept wonderfully last night and most of today as well. Dan was not able to go, but we went with Dan's sisters and their kids. A total of 5 adults and 11 children. It was quite the herd to keep together but we all had a blast!

1 comment:

  1. the Zoo is the BEST!! Just wait it will be a flash and all the sudden Eddie will be old enough to make all the animal sounds as you see them. We went just a few weeks ago.
    Sorry about your car. that is NEVER fun! He just keeps getting more and more Cute Shelbs! Way to keep up on the blogging! It will be worth it when you have a nice little journal to remember the first years. Kenny loves looking at his books and seeing his baby pictures. Love you. Hope you are doing as well as your little guy seems to be doing :)
