Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tommy is 7 Months Old

My baby boy is 7 months old today,sigh. Where does the time go. He is getting so big. He officially has 4 teeth and is so close to crawling. For now he wiggles and rolls his way to anywhere he wants to go. He will sit up on his own rather well. Occasionally there is a face-plant when he tries to reach for something or decides he needs to roll away.

And he loves watching his big brother. You can just see it in his eyes that he wants to be running around with Eddie. If I am holding him when Eddie is doing something fun he will start jumping in my arms with a huge smile and giggle. You can tell he's just dying to be mobile so he can chase Eddie.

He is such a sweet, mellow baby. He smiles at everyone we meet. He loves to be held, but is so patient to wait for me if there is something else I need to attend to. The few times he has been cranky it is only due to his upper teeth coming through. That was a rough few days for the little guy.

Even when Eddie gets a little too rough with him it's rare he will let out a cry. That has actually been the hard thing because Eddie will sit on Tommy and push on his belly trying to tickle him, which I don't want Eddie to be doing because he gets too rough, but Tommy will just laugh and laugh. So I know poor Eddie gets so confused when I am yelling at him but Tommy is laughing.

Tommy takes 3 naps a day. 2 short ones and 1 long one. At night he sleeps for 11-12 hours with 1-2 feedings somewhere in there.

I switched him to a bottle about a month ago and that was tough. Unfortunately, neither one of my kids have taken a bottle. This makes it very hard to work, or do anything that might take be away from him for more than 2.5 hours. It took a full 24 hours of not nursing him before he finally took a bottle from Dan. After 3 days he would take a bottle from me but fought it the whole time. After a week the bottle became normal.

I feel guilty about not nursing him when I have the ability to do so. I wish he would have taken a bottle so I could have done both. I continued to pump for as long as I could, but my milk dried up pretty fast. He is now on straight formula, but I have to give him dairy free. I tried a normal formula and he had an allergic reaction to the dairy. Of course this makes since with the fact that I had to give up dairy while nursing him to help with his acid reflux. I just never thought it through.

I can't believe that his first birthday is right around the corner. Last week I was packing up another bin of clothes that he has grown out of thinking that I couldn't stand the thought of never using these clothes again. I think it's safe to say there is at least one more member needed to complete our family.

I feel like the last 7 months have gone by too fast. I try to take lots of pictures and videos so I can capture these precious moments but they just don't do it justice. I find myself watching my kids thinking "I need to remember this".

I try so hard to be in the moment and enjoy every stage they go through. And I think I do a pretty good job. But even now I look back and think, where did the time go? What am I going to do when they are headed off to kindergarten, or leaving for a mission, or getting married...? I miss my babies already and I still have every moment to spend with them. Heck, I'm missing them now and they've only been down for a nap for an hour.

Oh I'm such a sap. That's what motherhood will do to you!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! It is good of you to write this all down. Time does fly. We need to get together. I feel like we haven't see you for every. Tommy is almost crawling, has teeth, and now takes a bottle! He is welcome at our house anytime. Hope to see you soon
