Friday, September 16, 2011

Bull S#*t

So the joke within the family has always been that Eddie's first words will be Bull S#*t. After an incident the other night I think this might be more true than I want to believe. We were over at Trent and Kate's house for dinner and games. I was sitting at the table holding Eddie on my lap as Trent was telling us a story. I don't recall what the story was about but it ended with Trent saying "b-o-o-l s#*t. That spells bull s#*t!" To which Eddie let out (totally unprovoked) the biggest belly laugh we have heard yet. It left us all just rolling with laughter, and with me feeling a little worried that for better or worse, Eddie has taken after his father once again.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly.....This happens in our House a bit more then I care to admit as well. Except, the first incident was at the baby sisters. Kenny was in one room playing with his Toys when the baby sitter in the other room dropped a whole case of Mt. Dew in the kitchen in which the words "Dang It" were said. Kenny piped right up in the other room and repeated "Da DIT!" At the top of his Longs. Yesterday was another day, that he may have repeated his Aunts crude statement. The joys of the Copy Cat Stage are soon to come my friend. Eddie is Adorable! So glad all is well.
    Love you! and Good Luck! You are such a cute Mommy.
